Sono Mary: cantante jazz, musicologa e ricercatrice. Canto e scrivo per celebrare le donne jazziste del passato e del presente

“I’m fighting for the freedom of jazz and for the freedom people hear in it”.

– Mary Lou Williams, pianista

“When I started out, I had the wish, the need, to compete with men. But I don’t feel that way anymore. I take pride in being a woman”.

– Marian McPartland, pianista

“I don’t think I’m singing. I feel like I’m playing a horn. I try to improvise like Les Young, like Louis Armstrong or someone else I admire. What comes out is what I feel. I hate straight singing. I have to change a tune to my own way of doing it. That’s all I know”.

– Billie Holiday, cantante

“In a sense, you weren’t really looked upon as a musician, especially in clubs. There was more interest in what you were going to wear or how your hair was fixed – they just wanted you to look attractive, ultra-feminine, largely because you were doing something they didn’t consider feminine”.

– Marjorie Hyams, vibrafonista


Il canto qui prende volti nuovi, volgendosi alla poesia, alla femminilità e alla raffinatezza, senza per questo diminuire l’energia propulsiva e vibrante insita nel ritmo afroamericano. Attraverso la mia interpretazione degli Standard del Jazz, celebrerò Le Jazziste.

Scopri la mia visione del jazz attraverso i racconti delle grandi jazziste e le mie interpretazioni cantate

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